Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's You and Me, Kid

It's weird to have the girls gone all day again. I don't think Coco knows what to think about all that. She asks me several times a day if "Bin and Cotlyn at cool?". I guess she wants to make sure they aren't out partying without her. I can't wait to spend the school year forming an even stronger bond with her. It's just you and me, kid!
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Joanna said...

next top model, watch out for Coco! Her hair is so long! I've been enjoying my nate alone time very much!

Amy Smith said...

Oh my gosh, what a beauty! Ella is missing her siblings too. So cute, but yay for school, so much quieter around here!

likeschocolate said...

I remeber those days myself waiting for my cousin to come from school. I would sit and watch for him out the window all day long.