Thursday, March 26, 2009

Girls Just Wanna. . .

. . .have fun-raisers! Bryn, Taylor and Ashley had a lemonade/chocolate-covered-strawberries stand at Jill's house today. They made a whopping $39 and decided to give all the money to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital to help sick kids! Jill found out where to send the money and the girls each wrote a letter of why they wanted to donate this money. So heartwarming and touching! I am so very proud of these amazing girls and all they accomplished in one afternoon! Can you imagine what damage they will do in 10 years? (Photos by Jill)


Kathy said...

That is amazing to me that at that age they can think of someone else when that much money is in their hands. Speaks well of parents!

C. Stover said...

What great little philanthropists! Hey, 39 bucks is some good chump change!

Anonymous said...

That's so cute. Can they spread their enthusiasm for fund raisers to me? I hate them!

Nan said...

I am impressed that the girls made $39 and decided to give it to a charity. That is sweet. I am glad Coco's surgeries went okay. It is always a little scary to have your babies in the hospital.

But, really I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on the news about your baby. I have been away from the internet for nearly 2 weeks. I noticed something on Facebook before I left, but I forgot to check your blog. That is so exciting! Are you and Holly due close to the same time?

Andrea W said...

what sweeties!!!

Joanna said...

that is the sweetest thing ever! You should call me next time they sell chocolate covered strawberries. I'd drive there to buy them - they are my fav's!!!!