Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lemons Out of Lemonade

Scotlyn and her friend, J, who helped her (and who Scotlyn paid as her "employee")

Scotlyn and Coco getting geared up to sell, baby, sell that lemonade!
The only agenda item on Scotlyn's Summer To-Do List was to have a lemonade stand. She desperately wanted to make lots of money so she could give some to her girl scout troop and some to Vanderbilt Hospital and maybe a little of it to "buy a Tinkerbell hat" that she's been eyeing at Walmart. The day we picked to do the lemonade stand was the hottest day of the year and not one person (except daddy, our neighbor, and Scotlyn's friend's mom) stopped or was even outside. She was so disappointed. She even made little paper fans to sell and had a really good business plan (no really, she is very business-minded and, er. . .money-minded). Still they had fun drinking lemonade and playing in the sprinkler every few minutes to cool off. They made lemonade out of a lemon of a day! Great job, girls!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruthie said...

Look at those two cute Sisters! I wish that I had a paper fan for Church - and a tall glass of that lemonade. I like their spunky hairdos and their cheek-to-head pose!