Friday, August 22, 2008

We Seek After These Things

Taylor and Bryn are virtuous, lovely, of good report and praiseworthy. Taylor is so honest and sweet. If another child does something wrong and is embarrassed, Tay always says, "It's okay. Everybody makes mistakes. Don't worry about it." She is always trying to make others feel happy and wanted. She has a sensitivity to others that I've never seen in a child her age. Bryn, also, exhibits the quality of integrity. She took a test the other day and got a 100%. As they went over the test in class she noticed that her teacher didn't mark an answer wrong that she had missed so she told her about it and the teacher amended the grade. I feel so happy that she chose to choose the right instead of getting a better grade. Great girls!
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1 comment:

Joanna said...

That is so awesome that they are like that! It attributes to thier good mom's & dad's who have taught them by example how to be so wonderful!